No L1 L2 L3 power from Iskra MT175

Hi, I hope english is ok. German answers are more than welcome.

I have a Tasmota Stromleser ESP32C3 working well for reading energy and power. No feed in.
I would like to read also L1, L2 and L3 power that are configured, but always 0.

This is my script:

->sensor53 r
M 1
1,77070100100700ff@1,current power,W,Power,16

I did try to read Edis codes 36.7.0/56/76, 35/55/75, 21/41/61 but I always get zero.

Any idea ?
Is this depending by meter settings or pin ?

Hey, thanks a lot for your message.

Of course, as a young startup, we believe that language should not be a barrier - so English is absolutely welcome! Regarding your question: Yes, I think that L1, L2 and L3 must be locked values and will only be unlocked once you enter the PIN.


Thanks for fast answer
I entered already the pin, otherwise I suppose meter would not answer at all
Any other idea ?

This might be helpful for you! MT175 - Leistung L1 L2 L3 (Momentan) wird bei mir nicht gesendet - - Photovoltaikforum

I checked it earlier, but not helpful.

  • I entered the pin, otherwise nothing would be visible.
  • I can receive energy AND total power
    I just get 0 from L1, L2 and L3 power

Hi Tomaso

This Script is working at my Iskra MT 175
Maybe try it.

->sensor53 r
M 1
1,77070100100700ff@1,akt. Leistung,W,Power,0

Same result, L1, L2, L3 always zero, and slow update even with 16 at the end.
So, I think somehow reading is failing.
How to get more log ?
I did ask to the operator anyway. Reading around, I suspect it is operator choice what I can see and what I cannot, actually.

Here it is some dump
22:59:27.151 : 77 07 81 81 c7 82 03 ff 01 01 01 01 04 49 53 4b 01
22:59:27.153 : 77 07 01 00 00 00 09 ff 01 01 01 01 0b 09 01 49 53 4b 00 05 42 ad d6 01
22:59:27.201 : 77 07 01 00 01 08 00 ff 65 00 00 01 82 01 62 1e 52 ff 59 00 00 00 00 00 0c ea 24 01
22:59:27.203 : 77 07 01 00 01 08 01 ff 01 01 62 1e 52 ff 59 00 00 00 00 00 0c ea 24 01
22:59:27.251 : 77 07 01 00 01 08 02 ff 01 01 62 1e 52 ff 59 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
22:59:27.253 : 77 07 01 00 10 07 00 ff 01 01 62 1b 52 00 55 00 00 01 b6 01
22:59:28.753 : 77 07 81 81 c7 82 05 ff 01 01 01 01 83 02 50 b3 f7 97 a8 23 91 8c 89 a3 b3 3d c9 22 71 31 34 66 02 4b 1a 3a 34 a1 f5 ab
22:59:28.802 : 77 01 0b 09 01 49 53 4b 00 05 42 ad d6 07 01 00 62 0a ff ff 72 62 01 65 00 0d e2 45
22:59:28.804 : 77
22:59:28.805 : 77 07 81 81 c7 82 03 ff 01 01 01 01 04 49 53 4b 01
22:59:28.807 : 77 07 01 00 00 00 09 ff 01 01 01 01 0b 09 01 49 53 4b 00 05 42 ad d6 01
22:59:28.858 : 77 07 01 00 01 08 00 ff 65 00 00 01 82 01 62 1e 52 ff 59 00 00 00 00 00 0c ea 26 01
22:59:28.860 : 77 07 01 00 01 08 01 ff 01 01 62 1e 52 ff 59 00 00 00 00 00 0c ea 26 01
22:59:28.908 : 77 07 01 00 01 08 02 ff 01 01 62 1e 52 ff 59 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
22:59:28.910 : 77 07 01 00 10 07 00 ff 01 01 62 1b 52 00 55 00 00 01 ab 01
22:59:29.472 MQT: tele/tasmota_3BC190/STATE = {„Time“:„2025-02-10T22:59:29“,„Uptime“:„1T06:56:51“,„UptimeSec“:111411,„Heap“:155,„SleepMode“:„Dynamic“,„Sleep“:50,„LoadAvg“:22,„MqttCount“:2,„Berry“:{„HeapUsed“:4,„Objects“:42},„Wifi“:{„AP“:1,„SSId“:„Vercesi WLAN“,„BSSId“:„60:B5:8D:6F:5D:C0“,„Channel“:11,„Mode“:„HT40“,„RSSI“:72,„Signal“:-64,„LinkCount“:1,„Downtime“:„0T00:00:03“}}
22:59:29.481 MQT: tele/tasmota_3BC190/SENSOR = {„Time“:„2025-02-10T22:59:29“,„MT175“:{„E_in“:84.634,„Power“:431,„L1“:0,„L2“:0,„L3“:0,„Server_ID“:„090149534b000542add6“}}

I was expecting to see 77070100240700ff somewhere but I cannot find it
For some reasons script is not asking that register to the meter or meter is not answering about it.

Am I wrong ?

1,77070100010800FF@1,Zählerstand Total,Wh,zählerstand_total,1
1,77070100010801FF@1,Zählerstand Tarif 1,Wh,zählerstand_tarif_1,1
1,77070100010802FF@1,Zählerstand Tarif 2,Wh,zählerstand_tarif_2,1

I can see your smartmeter is throwing this values, maybe you can adapt this.

I already use the energy total. I also receive and use instantaneous total power.
I would like to receive also instantaneous power per phase, because it will allows me to track significant unmonitored loads.

Energy company just answered that I cannot get more informations from the meter. Probably it is part of a configuration a bit too much hardcoded.
If anybody have a trick to get it, is more than welcome.

Stromleser works well.
I get overall energy → OK
I get instantaneous power → OK
I cannot get L1 instantaneous power and I would love to
I cannot get L2 instantaneous power and I would love to
I cannot get L3 instantaneous power and I would love to
Not a script issue

Thanks !

ohh thats bad, if you find any solution please let us know for that, and thanks for the update

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